spelling Leaders Registration

Welcome to the Spelling Leaders Competition Registration Portal.

Kindly read the RULES AND REGULATION regarding to the competition:



👉Schools are advised to register their Spellers on time to ensure adequate preparation.

👉Schools are allowed to register as many Spellers as they can to Stand a Chance of Winning the Competition and Schools are to come with maximum 2 Teachers.

👉Participants must be within the age of 6-17 years of age.

👉Participants must arrive at the venue on or before 09:10a.m to check in and receive their Tag number.

Failure to do so, the School(s) will be penalized.

👉The first Stage will include all spellers and it is going to be DICTATION, the Pronouncer pronounces the words, the Spellers write on a Sheet.

Each subsequent round will include only those spellers who spelled(spelt) their words correctly in the previous round.

👉The pronouncer will give each speller a word. The speller must pronounce the word before spelling it and after spelling it.

The speller may ask the pronouncer to say the word again, define it, and/or use it in a sentence.

The pronouncer shall grant all such requests until the judges agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the contestants.

The judges may disqualify a speller who ignores a request to start spelling.

👉Once the pronouncer pronounces the word, the contestants have twenty seconds to spell. The 20 seconds begin when the pronouncer pronounces the word.

👉The speller spells the word and then signals to the judges that he/she is done spelling by pronouncing the word again.

For instance, the pronouncer gives the word “bee” to the speller. The speller may ask for a definition and sentence. The speller proceeds by saying, “Bee, b-e-e, bee.”

The judges indicate that the word has been spelled correctly and the speller sits down.

👉Anyone caught whispering either by Sign or talking to any Speller when told to spell a word. That Speller will be disqualified from the Competition.

👉The role of the pronouncer is to correctly pronounce the word and give a definition and a sentence, at the spellers request. The role of the judges is to determine if the contestant has spelled the word correctly. The role of the speller is;
(1) to gather as much information as needed to help spell the word correctly, and
(2) to spell the word correctly within the 20 seconds time period.

👉The Competition will be conducted in rounds, after the first Stage Dictation. Each speller remaining in the Competition at the start of the 2nd Stage shall spell Three word in this round.
Upon missing the spelling of two words, the speller is out of the competition. The speller then sits down and turns his/her Tag over.

👉The next Round, called the Knock- Out Stage. The Speller has Just One word to Spell, the Speller misses it and He/She is out of the Competition.

👉In the event that none of the spellers spells a word correctly during the round, all spellers in that round shall remain in the competition.

👉At the end of each round (Knock Out Stage) the spellers who missed the spelling of a word leave the stage.
If only one of the spellers remaining in the Competition at the start of a round spells a word correctly during the round, the speller who correctly spells a word is declared the winner.

NOTE: The words are numbered, Spellers are to pick numbers as directed by the Pronouncer. For example the Pronouncer tells the Speller to pick a number from 50-78. The Speller picks Number 62, the Pronouncer pronounces the word in Number 62. The Speller Spells the word.

Every Child is standing on his/her own representing a school.

👉Schools are to register minimum 10 spellers. There is no maximum limit to the numbers of Spellers that can be registered for the Competition.

Do note that there is no REFUND after payment.

Penalty will be issued to any School that violates the rules and regulations.

👉  Children not REGISTERED as Spellers or Audiences cannot attend the competition. Any school who brings additional childdren that is not registered will be disqualified from the competition.

👉 Any child that is registered on the day of the competition will not be refreshed.

👉 LATE REGISTRATION attracts an additional fine of N1000 per child.


👉 Primary Category: Pry3-6
👉 Secondary Category: JSS 2- SS2

REGISTRATION FEE: ₦5000 per contestant.

(State & National)

Audience/Supporting Children: ₦2000

Maximum Two (2) Teachers per school.

Kindly note that we are only catering for two teachers per school.

 A minimum of 10 spellers per School.

However, schools are allowed to register as many Spellers as they can to stand a chance of winning the Competition.


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